
Tuesday & Wednesday: 9am-5pm

Thursday: 11am – 7pm

Friday: 9am – 3pm

Saturday to Monday: Closed

Phone – 231-938-3009

Concealed Pistol License Class

2019 Concealed Pistol License Coursesrightcolumn_img1

This is the NRA’s Personal Protection In The Home course, which satisfies the State’s requirement to apply for a Concealed Pistol License. Conducted by friendly and experienced NRA Certified Instructors, Range Safety Officers & an Attorney. Aspects of the classes include: mindset, threat recognition and avoidance, threat response, practical shooting techniques, legal responsibilities, home security, handgun & ammunition selection, safe storing and much more! We will use paper targets at ranges up to 21 feet. This information benefits anyone who has a handgun in their home, whether they intend to carry it or not. Our students are men and women of all ages and from all walks of life. Pre-registration required – Class size is limited – $150.00 You must have a basic understanding of safe gun handling and use. We are happy to accommodate inexperienced shooters or those with new guns. We have demo firearms for student use, but please make such arrangements well in advance of the class. Lunch will be provided or you may bring your own lunch. Requirements: materials for taking notes, firearm cased and unloaded (please note single action revolvers are not recommended) 150 rounds of ammunition, (factory loads preferred) eye & ear protection. Spare magazines and speed loaders are helpful.

Individual, small group and ladies only training is available upon request

2020 CCW/CPL Class Schedule
Jan 18 CCW/CPL Course Sat 8:00am-5:30pm $150
Mar 28 CCW/CPL Course Sat 8:00am-5:30pm $150
May 16 CCW/CPL Course Sat 8:00am-5:30pm $150
July 25  CCW/CPL Course Sat 8:00am-5:30pm $150
Sept 29 CCW/CPL Course Sat 8:00am-5:30pm $150
Oct 17 CCW/CPL Course Sat 8:00am-5:30pm $150

We will begin class promptly at 8:00 am so please arrive early at The Kingsley Sportsman’s Club- 6095 Garfield Road Kingsley, MI

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